Rise in keyless cars being stolen across Wakefield district

While keyless cars are a modern idea, police are urging people to take old-fashioned security measures.While keyless cars are a modern idea, police are urging people to take old-fashioned security measures.
While keyless cars are a modern idea, police are urging people to take old-fashioned security measures.
Cars are being stolen in the district using a sophisticated method with electronic devices to start the engines.

Many modern cars have a keyless system and will only start if it detects its key within a short range, but thieves are using high-tech gadgets to 'trick' the vehicle's computer system into opening and allowing the engine to be started.

Glenda Butts, crime prevention officer for Wakefield District, said: "We have recently been made aware of vehicles that have been stolen without using the keys.

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"Always keep your key out of sight at home and as far away from your front door as possible.

"If you have a keyless car, consider buying a faraday bag or a metal case for your key fob as this can block the signal produced by your key."

Police are also motorists to take additional steps, like adding steering locks, installing a professionally-fitted alarm or park in a garage where possible.
