Drink-driver who led police on 80mph chase said: ‘Sorry officer I have been a ....’

A motorist jumped back into his vehicle and led police on a high speed chase when told he was being arrested after a positive breath test.

Leeds Crown Court heard Shaun Peter Vaile was stopped on Denby Dale Road by officers who thought he was speeding on May 24.

In the police vehicle he gave a false name and a breath test showed a reading of 39 microgrammes in 100 millilitres, just over the limit of 35.

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Martin Robertshaw, prosecuting, said when he was told he was being arrested Vaile became agitated and tried to get out of the vehicle. He struggled with the officer before breaking free and running back to his van.

The officer then tried to take the keys from the engine to stop him driving off but Vaile managed to drive away.

Two police vehicles were then involved in the pursuit after he initially drove up to 60mph in Denby Dale Road which was limited to 40mph in that area.

He turned left into Blacker Lane, Crigglestone and was still going over the speed limit on a steep incline with some sharp bends and was doing about 50mph before turning onto Cliff Road.

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Mr Robertshaw said Vaile then approached a hump back bridge, which was only wide enough for one vehicle, without reducing his speed. He then reversed back at speed over the bridge before returning again to Denby Dale Road doing 80mph in the 40 restriction.

When he went through the village of Clayton West he “showed no consideration for other road users and eventually lost control and collided with an illuminated traffic bollard.”

That became wedged under his vehicle causing him to stop and he was boxed in. He was forcibly removed from it and handcuffed telling officers: “I’ve been a d***, sorry.”

Mr Robertshaw said once at the police station a further alcohol test was then negative.

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Keith Whitehouse, representing Vaile said, he accepted his driving was extremely dangerous and was “deeply remorseful.”

Vaile, 34 of Audsley Yard, Horbury, admitted obstructing an officer and dangerous driving and was jailed for 12 months and disqualified from driving for two years.