LETTER: 'Brainwashed Britain must stop living in fear'

LETTER: 'Brainwashed Britain must stop living in fear'LETTER: 'Brainwashed Britain must stop living in fear'
LETTER: 'Brainwashed Britain must stop living in fear'
"Still having some belief that this is a free country I continue to be allowed to protest.

"Brainwashed Britain must stop living in fear. We have been bombarded with numbers, overstatement of facts and threatened by daily, even hourly, propaganda.

"Today the true numbers do not add up to wholesale restrictions.

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"In fact a relaxing of them is urgent. There is no such thing as 100 per cent safety. With absolutely zero risk there is no life at all, at least not one worth living.

"Covid was and is a vicious virus. So were swine flue, bird flue, Asian flue, BSE, MERS and SARS. Where was the panic and fear when they struck? This time, state sponsored fear is the order of the day, disobey and you are in trouble.

"Some people are saying that more people are dying from treatment neglect caused by Covid.

"If this proves to be true, those who stoked up the fear and panic should have to answer from their podiums.

Mr R Pearson

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