Violence could see social club finally shut its doors

The club could lose its licence.The club could lose its licence.
The club could lose its licence.
A controversial social club that was warned to improve security after a glassing altercation could finally be stripped of its licence after further extreme violence.

A council licensing officer has described Castleford Ex-Services officials and staff as ‘incapable’ after two more clashes in the Powell Street club over the past seven months.

In December 2018 there was an altercation in which a man received a fractured cheekbone.

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Then in March this year a drinker was punched and stamped on repeatedly by a club committee member, receiving multiple fractures.

Police say staff then failed to help the injured man.

The attacks come after the club was warned in March 2018 after a non-member, who was banned from most of the pubs in the town, attacked another, glassing him. The club, which was once run by the Royal British Legion, was given a reprieve, but warned to tighten up on its security.

West Yorkshire Police has now applied for a review of the club’s licence with a view to it being stripped of its ability to sell alcohol altogether.

In a report put together by PC Toby Warden, he said: “These incidents prove a continual failure to promote the licensing objectives.

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“Due to the continual failings it is the belief of West Yorkshire Police that a review to seek revocation is now the only option.”

Paul Dean, licensing officer at Wakefield Council added his support, saying: “This unfortunate incident has shown the clubs officials and staff members are not capable in their capacity as licence holders to operate a premises licence.

“I feel that the premises operating committee and staff have again shown a complete failure to promote the licensing objectives - most notably their failure to promote the prevention of crime and disorder.”

The club’s future will be decided at the licensing meeting at Wakefield Council on Monday, July 8.