Politically Speaking by Andrea Jenkyns: Levelling-up to enhance success in our area

COMMUNITY EVENT: Andrea Jenkyns MP meeting with staff from First Bus, Arriva and the West Yorkshire Combined Authority.COMMUNITY EVENT: Andrea Jenkyns MP meeting with staff from First Bus, Arriva and the West Yorkshire Combined Authority.
COMMUNITY EVENT: Andrea Jenkyns MP meeting with staff from First Bus, Arriva and the West Yorkshire Combined Authority.
Despite the Christmas season being one famed for family and community, winter has, for many reasons, often been a season of isolation.

Adverse weather conditions, and darker nights and mornings impact the way we interact with our community. We turn inwards in an attempt to freeze out the frozen.

Now, more than ever, it is vital that we remember those who may be lonely or isolated as a result of these seasonal impacts.

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We must remember those who may be unable to access support services, and those who (for whatever reason) are unable to access online services.

With this thought in mind, I hosted a mature and senior citizens’ fair on Friday October 8.

This brought together service and support providers for those who are most likely to be impacted by winter, seeing providers such as Arriva, Citizens’ Advice Bureau, Morley Elderly Action, and British Gas in attendance.

I was thrilled to see so many people turn out, and I plan to replicate this event across Morley and Outwood over the coming months; giving all in our community the opportunity to access these services.

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I also write following the Conservative Party conference, where the key focus was the government’s levelling up agenda.

The prime minister spoke with passion about his plans for a once in a century £640 billion investment directed at upskilling generation after generation and ending the inequalities which exist between north and south.

On a local level, the government’s commitment to levelling up has already provided some £24 million, through the Town’s Fund, which is set to be invested in (among other things) an adult skills and learning college, which will find its home in Morley’s Old Pavilion and which will serve as a regional hub for adult education, retraining, and upskilling long into the future.

As part of this focus on jobs and skills, I hosted my jobs, skills, and apprenticeships fair, at the White Rose Shopping Centre, on September 17.

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This was an opportunity to bring together companies, from across Morley and Outwood, that were looking to hire new employees and those looking for new opportunities.

With employers like Coca Cola, the British Army, the GORSE Academies Trust, Aldi, and Alfa Power, I was delighted to see so many people find new jobs, careers, and vocations.

My next community fair, focussed on mental health and wellbeing, will be held between 10am and 1pm on November 19 at Morley Town Hall.

This will bring together mental health support services, health practitioners, and community groups and will be free for all to access.

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As always, if you are a resident of the Morley and Outwood constituency please do not hesitate to get in touch with me if you have a question, an issue that you feel that I could assist with or an invite to a local event.

I am always keen to hear from local people and look forward to hearing from you.

Please email: [email protected]