Residents' fury over plans for 5G mast in Wakefield village

Protesters against a 5G mast in Lupset pictured earlier this monthProtesters against a 5G mast in Lupset pictured earlier this month
Protesters against a 5G mast in Lupset pictured earlier this month
Residents have hit out at plans for a 60ft-tall 5G mast in Wakefield.

The application is for a mast at Stoney Lane, Hall Green, and follows opposition to plans for a similar structure near to the Sainsbury’s Local in Lupset.

The plan has currently received 19 comments of objection on Wakefield Council’s website, referring to the likelihood of the mast being an “eyesore”, proximity to Dane Royd Junior and Infants School, and concerns over 50G.

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Public Health England the executive agency of the Department of Health and Social Care to protect and improve health and wellbeing, said the introduction of 5G to the UK should result not result in any consequences for public health.

Referring to the Hall Green plan on the council’s planning website one resident commented: “I feel sick to my stomach that anyone would wish to construct this so close to a primary school.”

Another said: “This would be unsightly and do not want it to be near to my property.”

And another said: “Mobile masts should not be put up outside any school.

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“Surely there are plenty of better places to erect masts away from schools.”

Another said: “I have a child at this school and I strongly object to this proposal it is just big business pushing the boundaries.”

But some comments were made in support of the plans.

One said: “The mast will provide much needed mobile coverage in this area and allow residents to access the latest 5G networks.

“5G masts attract much disinformation, hype and fake science.

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“Don’t allow planning decisions to be made on such bogus information.”

Opposition to the mast at Lupset was organised in part by Coun Michael Graham.

Coun Graham said he opposed the mast because it would be “visually over-dominant” and was not a suitable location.

He said he was not against the 5G network being rolled out across the city.

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He said: “Having done a lot of research, all the official guidance states that 5G is safe but many residents have contacted me with concerns. I think more needs to be done to reassure residents in general about this type of infrastructure.”

Referring to the Lupset plan one commenter on the council’s planning website said: “The often quoted ‘health risks’ have been debunked time and time again, and it’ll look little different to the streetlight it’s proposed to stand next to.”

A decision is yet to be made on either of the masts.

Public Health England has said there should not be any consequences to people from 5G.

PHE has published advice on the government’s website.

It says: “It is possible that there may be a small increase in overall exposure to radio waves when 5G is added to an existing network or in a new area.

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“However, the overall exposure is expected to remain low relative to guidelines and, as such, there should be no consequences for public health.

“PHE is committed to monitoring the evidence applicable to this and other radio technologies, and to revising its advice, should that be necessary.”