Tour de Yorkshire to return to Wakefield?

Tour de Yorkshire ceremonial start at Wakefield.Tour de Yorkshire ceremonial start at Wakefield.
Tour de Yorkshire ceremonial start at Wakefield.
The world’s top cyclists could return to the district’s streets next year as Wakefield Council prepares a bid to host the Tour de Yorkshire for a second time.

Around 20,000 people turned out as the inaugural race passed through the streets of Wakefield and Sandal in May.

Now, council leader Peter Box has said he hopes the council put in a bid to host the race next year.

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Coun Box said: “I can confirm that we are hoping to put in a bid for the Tour de Yorkshire to come to the district next year.

“We are hoping that this time we can hold a stage finish.”

At the race in May, Tour de France winner Sir Bradley Wiggins and two time Olympic medallist Ed Clancy from Huddersfield, passed Castle Grove Park, Manygates Centre, Sandal Castle and Newmillerdam before leaving the district at Woolley.

The race was held over three days and included a route from Bridlington to Scarborough, Selby to York and Wakefield to Leeds.

Coun Box said: “I have spoken to a lot of people and businesses across the district who have all said this year’s race benefitted business a lot.

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“We know times are tough but we think it would actually be a really good investment for our district.

“Events like this bring everyone together and all of those people are spending money in shops, hotels, restaurants and cafes.”

The possibility of submitted a bid was discussed at a meeting of Wakefield Council’s regeneration and economic growth overview and scrutiny committee on Monday.