Wanted: Your big ideas for Wakefield city centre improvement

We're wanting your ideas and views on the city.We're wanting your ideas and views on the city.
We're wanting your ideas and views on the city.
If you could change one thing to make Wakefield city centre better what would it be?

This week the Express is opening a survey into how Wakefield residents think their city should change in the future and what those in power should be looking at.

In the run-up to Christmas we looked at the issues facing high streets and now we are going one step further.

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From plans for a new cinema in the Ridings to the empty BHS unit by the cathedral, we are asking for your opinions on what the city needs.

Wakefield has been hit by the same problems as so many other towns and cities in the north of England in the last 10 years but it also has a burgeoning nightlife scene, world class cultural attractions and the promise of a new art college campus.

We are giving you the chance to tell us how you think the city centre can be improved - and where its strengths lie.

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Your opinions will direct how we report on the city, the issues we focus on, and what we fight for. Express deputy editor Gavin Murray said: “We are asking you to lead the way in our coverage.

“We want you to tell us what matters to you and what you want to see as the city goes through an important time of change.

“No one knows Wakefield better than the people who live and work here and the things that are important to you will form the basis of this campaign – we will dedicate the pages of this newspaper to making your voices heard.”

Your views may be quoted and we will use what you tell us to form the basis of stories we report on in the coming weeks and months.

See next week’s Express for more coverage.